Monday, 30 January 2012

Living with CBF

"Gizz uh smile love, you'd look prettier"

Oh, gee, thanks mister.... Way to get my morning off to a better start!

I realise that the title of this blog makes it sound somewhat more serious than it's going to be. CBF, although it sounds like one, is not some horribly insufferable medical condition I have been afflicted with... medical, no. Serious, certainly. Insufferable, for those on the other side of it perhaps.
But I have found I am not the only one that suffers from the phenomenon we have affectionately come to knows as Chronic Bitch Face.
Allow me to explain:
Poster specific entry -

Granted, this morning when that was said to me my face may actually have reflected my feelings at the time due to a combination of it being Monday morning and the war that my uterus appears to be waging on the rest of my body. It's hardly a recipe for smiles, is it girls? But this is beside the point and I am very aware that much of the time the adorable illustration above hits the nail on the head.
Maybe it's London... I certainly feel like I got more scowl-tastic since an hour commute became the start of my day. Central London commuters are a strange breed. Deathly silent, avoiding eye contact, serious faced people. Myself included, clearly.
Hearing someone speak on the underground first thing in the morning is the most strangely alien sensation and only then do you realise how quiet it is, save the sounds of tannoy announcements and rustling adjustments of the Metro newspaper.

So, as for "it might never happen"... it probably has. I have been removed from my cocoon of blankets , I did not emerge as a beautiful butterfly, and my uterus is clawing at my small intestine in a way that makes me want to punch kittens.
And, "smile, you'd look prettier". You're right... I probably would. But until I get to work and have had a cup of coffee none of us are going to find out.

However, because it is indeed Monday and I have upheld my promise, tonight when I get home you will receive the first of my Inspire Me Monday collages.
Now there's something to smile about...

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