I think I'm going to start doing some inspiration collages to put up, collections of images and colour themes that I have been using as source material on current project. Maybe a weekly thing.
How do "Inspire Me Mondays" sound?
Apparently I have started to narrate my life in my head too, as I go about my daily business.
This is what I wore today
I decided that the tights and leg warmers were the cutest part at least.
And the important part of the rest would be my City & Colour owl t-shirt over ever so slightly tatty wardrobe staple of black cotton jersey t-shirt dress.
Really, I live in these things. I need more!
I lack in any fancy way to take pictures of myself/my outfits at present but overly hipster looking fake photobooth strips of my legs appear to work fairly well.
(and that's from http://laphotocabine.com in case you were wondering)
In fact, I sort of love these Instagram/Hipstamatic type generators that have popped up all over the place, they're cute. I'm undecided whether Miss Pandawithacamera will hate me for saying so or not, but we did recently share a simultaneous excited moment about Photo Jojo's iPhone Holga lens.
And while we're on the subject... Phone upgrade day in 8 days.
The holga lens will be mine!!
Then there will be no stopping me...
Cute little photobooth action there. I am excited for your phone upgrade even though my plans for one were sadly dashed. But one day I'll be joining you and we'll be all over Instagram/Hipstamatic/every other iPhone thing.